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The JareBear's Chalkboard
jhawk886 is offline
# 21
jhawk886 @ Sep 4, 2018
Originally Posted by The JareBear
I wanna get a time machine and go back to NCAA 11 so I can bust you up with my USC and Penn State squads. We got unfinished business!
Kansas/Notre Dame would take you to the woodshed!
Akodo is offline
# 20
Akodo @ Sep 15, 2016
The Madden League of Legends, 5th season starting on Madden 17. Powered by DaddyLeague.

We're looking for a player to take over:


We completed our fantasy draft last night, and are currently in week 2 of the season. I can answer some specifics about the team that was drafted, if need be. We advance every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at 11PM EST. We're looking for people who will compete, have fun, respect each other, not be an overall *******, and can follow the bylaws of the league.

Please read the rules here - MLoL Bylaws/Rules

Again, this is on the PS4. Please read the rules above, and if your game with them - Click here to apply

Madden League of Legends Daddy League Site
Illustrator76 is offline
# 19
Illustrator76 @ Sep 2, 2013
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Hey, try putting grounding at 25. I swear it helped my sacks/pressure because QB was looking downfield more often. Check it out
Thank for the tip man, I will do that right now and see how it turns out.
jermb51 is offline
# 18
jermb51 @ Sep 1, 2013
I'm in the 12th man league you're in btw, sry for the random message, but saw you were online and figured maybe u knew of a way to resolve this?
jermb51 is offline
# 17
jermb51 @ Sep 1, 2013
When I try to post a new thread, I get this

jermb51, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
Is there something on my end I'm doing wrong?
Gotmadskillzson is offline
# 16
Gotmadskillzson @ Aug 26, 2013
Originally Posted by The JareBear
"2. I average around 4 fumbles and 7 injures a game just from Hit Sticking ball carriers. That is something I love. In NCAA 14 I felt like Hit Sticking was weak and never caused fumbles or injuries because ball carriers would simply bounce backwards."

Isn't that a little overpowered? Shouldn't hit sticking have more risk to match the reward?
Considering you have to be square on to do it, not really. It has many times I whiffed because I wasn't square on and hit nothing but air. So there is some risk to it.
willIam9387 is offline
# 15
willIam9387 @ Aug 24, 2013
Originally Posted by The JareBear
Is your impression of the game serious? Have you actually played it? It's utter trash right now
I think there are some good aspects to the game. I said by no means is the game perfect, you can see that in the first minute of play. It's what Madden 13 should of been, for Madden 25 I kind of wish EA had put a little more effort in the game.
jeremym480 is offline
# 14
jeremym480 @ Aug 1, 2013
Originally Posted by The JareBear
What sliders did you end up going with in your OD? The one you commish
Post #118
I'm thinking of switching to Authentic's for S2 though
aholbert32 is offline
# 13
aholbert32 @ Jul 30, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
What do you think the next move will be for Rory? I say if Dana wants to see him have to engage, give him a rematch with Condit, or shoot, maybe even Robbie Lawler? Or too soon?
Condit if he beats Kampmann. Maybe Lawler or Saffedine if Condit loses.
xOLDBHOYx is offline
# 12
xOLDBHOYx @ Jul 25, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
You're a Raiders fan???? Say it aint so
Muahaha....since I was 8...Win, Lose, or Tie...Silver and Black till I die!!!! (lot of Lose) ;(
Yukon46 is offline
# 11
Yukon46 @ Jul 25, 2013
Do you play NCAA as SD State ? because if so... I am actually in the middle of doing a little re-tool on them right now, you might like re-downloadin them in a bit.
charter04 is offline
# 10
charter04 @ Jul 24, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
Yo, sorry to bug you again....I feel like an idiot lol....for coaching aggression the lower number is more conservative right, so if I am going through and lowering all by 25 (making it more conservative by 25), do I click the sldier to the LEFT or the RIGHT?
to the left is more conservative. 50 would be the middle. 25 would be pretty conservative. it seems like anything over 50 and the CPU just blitzes like crazy. I played against Alabama with theirs on 25 and they rushed 3 or 4 most of the time and only blitzed a few times. It was kind of harder to pass because they still got pressure and they had more guys in coverage.
charter04 is offline
# 9
charter04 @ Jul 23, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
Did you lower all CPU defense agg BY 20/25 or did you lower them all TO 20/25? Just making sure I am doing this right...
I was trying to do it to 25 but, I don't know if it works to help anything. The guy who started that thread has a lot of good stuff about it.
bluengold34_OS is offline
# 8
bluengold34_OS @ Jul 17, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
So, I just am curious, do you personally see the DB glitch or do you see football being unpredictable? Honestly just curious, no rage here or anything lol
Ha - no rage here either Jared - I had a huge issue with it DB glitch last year, but this year it appears to be much better. Not only me, but the guys I play in the OS Legends OD with, share the same sentiment. Now we are playing with adjusted sliders, so I can no longer comment on default anymore.
Lonestar Outlaw is offline
# 7
Lonestar Outlaw @ Jul 16, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
Did anyone get back to u about them360 rosters? I, not sure where to find updates on that
No they didn't, and it's frustrating because PS3 guys have gotten updates daily over the last week, 360 guys get nothing. Sucks man and I'm pissed about it, I don't mind if it takes them a little longer but at least give us an update. They haven't posted anything new in 3 days
simfballcritic is offline
# 6
simfballcritic @ Jul 16, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
I just started following your videos. Very good stuff. Curious, in the past have you very sent EA a vid showcasing the DB glitch? If so, have they acknowledged its a problem?
Which glitch? Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing.
C_Bailey24 is offline
# 5
C_Bailey24 @ Jul 16, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
FYI - the pass coverage slider is not reversed. Myself and some others have debunked that theory. I know AA swore it was but it isn't. It is just non-functional, at the moment. Sorry to bomb your board, but the thread I saw u post in got closed, lol
Oh ok cool
TeamHawkins is offline
# 4
TeamHawkins @ Jul 15, 2013
Originally Posted by jaredlib
I'm curious, what's the unstoppable play
Shotgun - Bench... If you read the play correctly you will have two players open every time. Most players will use Dime, Quarter or Dollar to try and stop it. Doesn't work. The only play close enough to stop it is not designed to stop the pass, but unfortunately EA is clueless how to program A.I. the 1-5-5 and 1-5-5 Prowl will bring pressure on occasion possibly forcing bad throws. The 5-2 is the Third Play that comes close. The problem is the two slot receivers CANNOT be bumped on the line, and almost always gets a 2 step advantage on their out routes. Your only chance is the CPU A.I under-cutting the receiver which happens rarely.
JaymeeAwesome is offline
# 3
JaymeeAwesome @ Jun 22, 2013
Close-minded as in imagination. 25 years ago we had a game call Tecmo Bowl. That game was very unrealistic, had many game flaws, graphically horrible....but yet one of the most fun played games of all time. We are given games with better graphics, more realism, greater immersion...but with flaws still. If people can enjoy a game 25 years ago, why can't they enjoy the better games of today?

That's what I mean by close minded....I find a way to enjoy myself because I've invested time and money into this product. It saddens me that others don't try....
mrprice33 is offline
# 2
mrprice33 @ Jul 13, 2012
Originally Posted by jaredlib
Do you plan on updating your slider set for a while? I have been using it in practice and so far it is playing quite well and differently than other sets, which I like.
I'm more or less locked in with my most recent update. There are a few things here and there to adjust such as CPU running game and user pass rush, but it's pretty much where I want it to be. Post some results in the thread so we can compare.
buckeye02 is offline
# 1
buckeye02 @ Jun 29, 2011
Originally Posted by jaredlib
Did you get hooked up with an early copy? Really lookin forward to your rosters
Not yet. Still working on it. I'll be sure to let everyone know when i get a copy.
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